NESS Critique History
Championship Show July 2024 Judge - Chris Sayers Dogs
I would like to thank the NESS for their very kind hospitality and invitation to judge English Setter Dogs at their recent championship show. I would also like to thank my two hard working stewards who kept the whole event running like clockwork.
There were some lovely quality exhibits present and overall I found them to be in good order with only one bad mouth, however, high tail carriages still give cause for concern which so spoils the outline on the move. Having said that, I was pleased with my overall winners.
MPD (0)
PD (6. 0 abs)
1. Derry, Shoneville & Williamson’s Hawklawn Hazzard County At Balvenie. Really liked this well put together 9 mth old tri. Shown in good coat and hard condition. Pleasing head shape and correct dark eye, true front with ample bone of substance and width. When stacked he presents a pleasing outline with elegant neck which flows into a level top line with well-angulated shoulders and rear assembly. When he moved and concentrated, he moved with precision on a long free stride using his tail well. BPD.
2. Pearces Westonfields FrenchRunner. Well-grown 11 mths light blue dog, who has a well-balanced masculine head with eye patch, which added to his charm. Strong boned front with neat feet, level top line and good tail set. He is well angulated fore and aft with firm muscled thighs which he used on the move reflecting in his sound true movement, with lashing tail.
3. Goutorbe’s Wansleydale Beekeeper at Redhara.
JD (2. 1 abs)
1. Ciaputa’s Ravensett Cote D’Azur. Orange boy who I have often admired from the ringside and has a real elegance about him when stacked.
Most exquisite shaped head with soft expression and low set ears. His long lean neck, flows into a level top line with pleasing shoulder placement and correct tail set. Presented in lovely textured coat and really hard condition, unfortunately, not moving as well today as I have seen him move in the past.
YD (6. 1 abs)
1. Stewart & Quenby’s Tattersett Stolen Silver. Eye catching light blue, who was clean in outline and presented a lovely picture when stood. In super coat and hard condition, he has a masculine head with plenty of work in the foreface, correct ear placement and dark expressive eyes. Elegant neck flows into level top line and tail well set on. He has good body properties with well-sprung ribs and deep chest. Pleasing angulation fore and aft which was reflected in his precise movement showing good reach and drive.
2. Darley’s Severnsett Gold Sovereign. Orange boy, built on different lines to my winner but still things to like about him. Well-moulded head shape with super soft dark eye, stands on strong well-boned forelegs, correct angulation of shoulder with good depth of chest. Short coupled with a level top line. In pleasing coat and hard condition, which was used to drive off from his short hocks.
3. Hendry’s Ilexeset Sunny Disposition.
ND (3. 2 abs)
1. Hingleys Wansleydale Bee Quick. 11mts tri, reserve in the puppy class and had his mind on other things. When stacked, he has pleasing angulation of forehand and rear assembly, lovely level top line with good tail set. His head is developing well, with correct colour of eye and shape. Movement however, was difficult to assess as it was rather erratic, but just needs time and practice to get it together.
GD (5. 1 abs)
1. Seamen & Eickert’s Mariglen Just George. Impressive blue dog that really stood out in this class and caught my eye immediately, so well balanced throughout with super elegant outline when stacked. True front, with ample bone and neat feet. Pleasing neck into well angulated shoulders and good return of upper arm. Level top line, with pleasing sweep of quarters. Moved out with real style and high head carriage, presented in lovely coat and hard condition, seriously considered him for higher honours but for me just needs that little bit more maturity before troubling the best.
2. Snook’s Dalreavoch Northern Caper. Upstanding dark blue, heavier type to my winner but not overdone or coarse. Well-balanced head, with lovely gentle expression from correct dark eye and shape. Stands on a true front with strong legs of good bone substance and neat tight feet. Well-developed body and good spring of rib, pleasing angulation of quarters, presented in full coat, he moved out with animation and verve.
3. King’s Sirius Blue Heaven at Grantastar.
PGD (2. 0 abs)
1. Thomson’s Maursett Morganite For Caspellwynd, tri dog, whom I have judged in the past and has matured up well, presents an elegant outline when stood. Noble head, with true front of good bone and neat feet. He is well angulated fore and aft with level top line and correct tail set. In good coat and hard condition which was reflected in his sound steady movement and lashing tail.
2. Watkins Valsett Starlite Sun Chaser, glamorous orange, presented in full coat and hard condition. Lots to like about him as he has balance throughout, with a lovely kind expression from his masculine head, excellent bone of substance with neat feet. Deep through the body, with well sprung ribs and pleasing sweep to quarters with
well-developed second thigh, which he used, on the move to power himself round. Just preferred the slightly lower tail carriage of my winner.
ML (1. 0 abs)
1. Catton & Cook’s Valsett Starlite Sky Storm With Ferngate, light tri, alone but worthy of his place, built on classic lines with pleasing angulation of forehand and stifles. When stood he has elegance and balance about him. Good shape of skull, into a clean neck, which flowed into a level top line held on the move, which was steady and true with lovely lashing level tail carriage.
LD (8. 0 abs) this was a good class headed by,
1. Stewart & Quenby’s Tatterset Golden Sunrise, orange, another who I have judged as a youngster and has fulfilled his early promise. Built on refined lines and has an exquisite head shape, true front with tight neat feet and good bone. Has matured well in the body with good depth and spring of rib. Correct angulation of quarters, he was a stylish sound happy mover with lovely head carriage and gorgeous level lashing tail action.
2. Johnston’s Wansleydale Beguiled Of Loonbrae, light tri, who presents a clean outline when stacked. Pleasing angulation fore and aft, with lean muscular neck into a level top line and good tail set. Shown in full coat and hard condition, which was reflected in his true sound movement and pleasing tail carriage.
3. Hepburn’s Tattersett Rainbow Legacy.
OD (8. 2 abs) Best class of the day with lovely dogs, particularly the first three, who I could have easily awarded the CC to any one of them, as I liked them all immensely.
1. Eickert’s DT CH (VDH) Mariglen Flashdance. This light tri, stood out for type and balance, clean in outline and elegant in appearance, he has a lovely domed head shape with raised brow and kind expression. Stands on bone of substance and neat feet. A reachy neck flows into well-laid shoulders and a level top line with correct tail set. When he moved, he drove off from powerful well-angulated quarters showing plenty of drive and using his tail. Put down in glorious coat and hard condition, I was delighted to award him the CC. (BOS and RBIS).
2. Watts’ SH CH Walshaw Brushstrokes. Dark tri and another that I have judged in the past and liked alot, but needed time to mature up to fulfil the early promise. Combining substance with elegance and balance, he is well made throughout with correct head proportions and dark expressive eye. True straight front of strong bone and neat feet, elegant neck into strong level top line, he is well angulated fore and aft. Was put down to perfection by this exhibitor and moved really well with precision and lovely lashing tail. I was pleased to award him the RCC .
3. Taylors SH CH Wansleydale Maybee JW. Completed a trio of top quality exhibits and are a lovely representation of the breed.
VD (2. 0 abs)
1. Lawson’s Wansleydale Dorian Grey JW, ShCEx OSW. Never seen this 7-year-old tri boy look so good, or move as well as he did today. Really strode out from powerful quarters with precision and purpose using his tail. A well-balanced dog with pleasing elegant neck leading into a good lay of shoulder and strong top line, presented in lovely coat and condition. BVD and in agreement with my co judge, BVIS.
2. King’s Dobbies Delight At Grantastar. 9-year-old light blue, who presents a clean outline when stacked, with good angulation fore and aft. Deep through the body with well-sprung rib, he has a pleasing shaped head with a lovely soft expression. Unfortunately, when he moved out, he did not appear to like the ground, as he was not moving so positively as my winner.
SBD (5. 1 abs)
1. Snook’s Moorbrook Mogul Of March.
2. Hendry’s Ilexeset Sunny disposition. Eye-catching light tri, who was third in the yearling class. Put down in lovely coat and has real elegance when stacked. Pleasing front with ample bone and super tight neat feet, his head is well balanced with lean neck flowing into a level top line and pleasing tail set. Correct shoulder placement and good angulation of stifle. Movement was true, but would prefer a lower tail carriage.
3. Ciaputa’s Ravensett Cote D’Azur.
Chris Sayers (Judge)
Championship Show July 2024 Judge - Penny Williams Bitches
MPB (1) 1st McLoughlin’s Love Maybe. Pleasing head and eye. Well constructed with a good front and forehand. Pleasing outline with a strong topline. Good body properties for her age, moved soundly with confidence.
PB (2,1) 1ST White’s Droveborough Silver Pearl for Paduan. Typical head, good eye, good front, bone and feet. Could be stronger in topline, short coupled loin, good body properties, well angulated hindquarters and good quality coat. Would like more height and reach at the front. Moved soundly.
JB (6) 1st Ridsill’s Sharnyx She’s So Pretty. Orange belton with good head and eye, well constructed with good front, bone and feet. Well let down in brisket, good forehand, strong topline. Could have a better tailset. Well angulated hindquarters. Good body properties and a short coupled loin. Moved soundly but could be more animated. Shown in good coat. 2nd Harradine’s Mandyset Oops I did it Again at Halliana. Pleasing head and eye, good height and reach at front, well developed body and well angulated hindquarters. Could have a better tailset, sound mover but not as positive in front action as the winner. 3rd Corfield, Corfield, Derry and Schoneville’s Balvenie Loch Maree.
YB (3,2) 1st McKee and Westmacott’s Bronze Bombshell. Lovely head and eye, very well constructed, excellent height and reach at the front, a lovely outline with strong topline and very good tailset. Well let down in brisket, strong well angulated hindquarters. A sound positive mover in good coat and show condition. Was seriously considered for top honours.
NB (3,1) 1st Balvenie Loch Maree. Lovely head and eye, well balanced and constructed, pleasing outline, strong topline and good tailset and strong well angulated hindquarters. Sound mover but not handled to best advantage. 2nd Pearce’s Westonfields French Runner, Orange belton, also a very pleasing head and eye, 11 months, obviously not as developed in body as winner, good front, bone and feet, strong topline and good tailset Well constructed throughout. Strong, well angulated hindquarters, presented a very good outline, in good coat and a sound positive mover. She went on to win Best Puppy bitch and later Best Puppy in Show. I fail to understand why she made her debut in Novice and not the puppy class.
GB (5) 1st Prest’ Caleydene Comet. Orange belton with lovely head and eye, well constructed and balanced throughout with a very pleasing outline. Good body, front, bone and feet. Strong, short coupled loin and well angulated hindquarters. In lovely coat and show condition, moved soundly and showed well. 2nd Stephenson’s Blue Belton Mariglen Wave Dancer for Bondgate JW. In lovely coat and show bloom. Pleasing head and eye, well constructed. Not the width or depth of chest of the winner. Good forehand and a pleasing outline, well angulated hindquarters, could be more positive on the move. 3rd Ridsill’s Sharnyx Reyn Fall.
PGB (4) 1ST Dyke’s Caleydene Connextion, orange belton litter sister to the graduate winner and similar remarks apply. A very pleasing head and eye, well constructed with good front, bone and feet. Good forehand and very good body properties. Strong loin and well angulated hindquarters. In good coat and show condition. Moved soundly. 2nd Gardner’s Mariglen Midnight Muse of Danwish. Tricolour, typical head, well constructed with a good forehand. Preferred the body properties and topline of the winner. Well angulated hindquarters, coming into good coat. Animated mover with good tail action. 3rd Cook’s Pernickety Quartz.
MLB (1) Corfield’s Indibrooke Poacher’s Pride. Orange belton, typical head, dark eye, good front, bone and feet. Well constructed, pleasing outline, strong topline and good tailset. Good body properties and short coupled loin, strong well angulated hindquarters, sound positive mover.
LB (3) Darley’s Severnsett Dark Angel. Blue with a very pleasing head and eye, good front, bone and feet. Very good forehand, with good flow over neck and shoulders. Good outline with strong topline and good tailset. Good body and strong loin, well angulated hindquarters. Moved well with good carriage. Reserve BCC. 2nd Dyke’s Wansleydale Bedazzled at Caleydene. Also a very pleasing head and eye, good front, bone and feet. Good body with well sprung rubs. Well angulated hindquarters, preferred the topline an tailset of the winner. Moved soundly but not in her best coat today. 3rd Watkins’ Valsett Starlite Night Sky.
OB (5) 1ST Wale’s Sh Ch Chanina Golden Rose JW. Orange belton, lovely head and eye, well constructed with excellent body properties. Very good front, bone and feet. Strong, short coupled loin and well angulated hindquarters, very good forehand giving her a lovely outline. Sound free mover in first class coat and show bloom. Bitch CC and with the agreement of my Co-Judge Best in Show. 2nd Grimsell’s Tattersett Dark Amber. Orange belton, upstanding with a pleasing head, very good front, bone and feet, well constructed throughout with good body properties an a very good forehand. Strong topline and well angulated hindquarters, in very good coat and show condition. Very good front action but lacked drive and did not use her tail to advantage today. 3rd Beasley’s Wansleydale Amaretto at Latjeata.
VB (1) 1st Kerr’s Ravensett Golden Charm. Orange belton of 8 years, good head and eye, well constructed with a pleasing outline, good body and depth of chest, good front, bone and feet. Strong well angulated hindquarters in good coat. A sound mover but did not put all in today.
SpBeg B (6) 1st Caleydene Comet, 2nd Bronze Bombshell, 3rd Balvenie Loch Maree.
Judge: Penny Williams Bournehouse
Open Show May 2024 Judge - C Lewis
NESS Open Show Report – 5th May 2024
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge the Northern English Setter Society. I had a most enjoyable day, two super stewards, which kept the ring moving.
Veteran D/B (2,0)
1st Taylor’s, Sh Ch Wensleydale Margarita, A beautiful bitch, elegant with super type, head lean, oval skull, square muzzle, good stop, dark eye, lovely neck in to shoulder, leading to an excellent topline, tail well set, super round spring ribs, stifles well bent, moved with free and graceful gait. Pushed in challenge for top awards. BVIS
2nd Hopper’s Bramstorm Forest Spite, nearly 8year old, Nice head, lean with good stop, neck long muscular, balanced angles, slightly longer cast than 1st, loin arched & well muscled, round bone, good well arched feet with padded toes.
Minor Puppy D/B (6,2)
1st Taylor’s Wansleydale Honey Bee, so clean in outline, with elegant appearance. A very pretty bitch, lean head, oval over skull, showing brain room, muzzle moderately deep & fairy square, bright expressive oval eyes, ears set low and velvety tip, close set, long neck which is muscular & lean, excellent balance angles, deep in brisket, ribs well back, rounded bone, stifles well bent, moved free with graceful action, super drive, so well put down for a young puppy BPIS
2nd Goutorbe’s Wansleydale Beekeeper At Redhara, Another good dog, can see from the catalogue a brother to 1st, just right for age, right amount of round bone, correct size for age. Head carried high, pleasing head, like little more skull, excellent oval eye, long lean neck, well laid shoulders, width between blades, a touch longer in body, good rear end, long from hip to hock, with good short hocks, lovely coat, moved well with excellent side gait & true up & down. RBD
3rd Derry’s Hawklawn Hazzard Country At Balveine, Overall a pleasing shape, good quality head, well grown boy, moved well once settled.
Puppy D/B (8,1)
1st Taylor’s Wansleydale Honey Bee, Repeat from 1st Minor puppy
2nd Hutchinson & Dennis Mariglen My Heart Will Go On With Monaysbridge, another super puppy, who is a beautiful shape shows air of elegance. Side profile of head showing good occipital protuberance, muzzle is moderately deep & square, l what a little bit more width in her head from the front, neck with crest, good shoulder with wide blade, lovely round bone, good rear angles, width to loin, well arched , moved with style and drive, will watch with interest how she matures.
3rd Goutorbe’s Wansleydale Beekeeper At Redhara, repeat 2nd in Minor puppy.
Junior Dog (2,1)
1st Ciaputa’s, Ravensett Cote D’Azur , repeat from puppy, 11 month old having the time of his life! Super friendly & moving with lots of enthusiasm, mature, well defined masculine head, good neck in to ok shoulders, good top-line, correct bone, lovely coat, standing on correct feet.
Yearling (1,1) Absent
Graduate Dog (4,2)
1st Smith’s Bournehouse Secret Sunshine Of Meadowrush , overall a good shape, lovely type, pleasing balanced head, good eye, nice stop, neck ok, he was carrying too much weight, which affected movement, causing a lock of enthusiasm and drive from behind.
2nd Horne’s Pewterspeare Porter. A much leaner sort all through, lovely head with dark eye, good round bone, ok depth to well spring rib, short in loin, short in hock, giving handler hard time on the move, which affected assessing movement.
Post Graduate Dog (2,0)
1st Catton & Cook’s Valsett Starlite Sky Storm With Ferngate, a super moving dog, show beautiful graceful action, free moving with head carried high. This tri dog has lovely balanced angles, a good head with good expression, ears set low with velvety tip, muscular lean neck, deep in brisket, moderate body. Liked him a lot -BD
2nd Taylor’s Kanietter Koloa, pleasing head, good stop, oval skull, like darker eye, moderately balanced, good topline, short hocks, moved ok.
Limit Dog (1,1) 1st – Repeat 2nd PGD
Open Dog – No Entries
Junior Bitch (4,1)
1st Bott, Allan & Morgan’s Quensha Glitter And Gold – Super shaped young bitch, excellent head, oval skull, lean with good stop, expressive eyes, of correct shape, good lean muscular neck, in to well-placed shoulder, moderate body with good spring of rib, matching rear angles, short in hock, correct round bone, lovely underline, moved free and graceful showing drive from behind . Considered for top honours
2nd Skaggs-Gooch’s Nellasett Velvet Brown – honest tri bitch , head lean, fairly square, ok neck, shoulder little high set, deep brisket, ok rear, moved ok, good topline, short in hock.
Yearling Bitch (5,1)
1st Owen’s Marwessett Ysobel Enigma At Cornett JW, though this was a top class young bitch, so elegant, beautiful lean head ,low ears, velvety tip , correct eye, super expression, long elegant neck in to good front angles, shoulders blades wide, well sprung ribs, well ribbed back, muscular loin. Long hip to hock, lovely waggy friendly tail action, free flowing movement which was joy to watch around the ring,
2nd Reid’s Hunterblue Mystique At Diersett, Nice head, dark eye, like little more skull, moderate neck, good shoulders, moderate angles, nice round bone, well ribbed up, muscular loin, ok rear, short hocks, good well arched toes, with feather.
3rd Skaggs-Gooch Nellasett Velvet Brown, Repeat from JB
Graduate Bitch (5,1)
1st Prest’s Caleydene Comet, typey bitch overall good shape but a little long, lovely head, melting expression, excellent movement front & back, good laid of shoulder with blades wide, good round bone, deep in rib & well sprung , excellent width to thigh, stifle well bent, moved well, with happy attitude.
2nd Reid’s Hunterblue Mystique At Diersett, Repeat 2nd YB
Post Graduate Bitch (2,0)
1st Dykes Caleydene Connection. Orange belton, lovely shape, good head, good stop, fairy square, food length go neck, moderate front angles, good top line, balanced rear angle, moved well.
2nd Dennis, Harris, & Morgan’s Mariglen Unwrapped JW – decent bitch, she wasn’t up for moving today, pleasing head, good expression, ok neck, good shoulder & return, longer in the back than 1st. Balanced rear end, stifles well bent, lovely tail set and top line, short hock.
Limit Bitch (2,1)
1st Hutchinson’s Monaysbridge Iris – Nice lean head , low set ears, correct eye, good neck little upright in shoulder, ok depth brisket, well bent stifles, short in hock, longer in loin, moved ok.
Open Bitch (3,0)
This was a good class and not much to spilt them up.
1st Wale’s Sh Ch Chnina Golden Rose, this is such a well-made bitch, elegant all through, beautiful head, lean with good stop, fairly square, lovely eye, super muscular neck, in to the best of shoulders, plenty of return, fore-chest , deep in brisket, good rounded ribs, loin short, well-muscled, well bent stifles, great top-line stacked and moving, great free flowing action, just would like her to loose a little weight but could not deny her BB & BIS
2nd Dykes Wansleydale Bedazzled At Caleydene, this is another good bitch, ticking all the boxes, gorgeous head, ear set low with velvety tip, again excellent angles, good fore chest, well ribbed back, good top-line & tail set. Moved with style and head held high. RBB RBIS.
3rd Forrest’s Walshaw Illumination Over Elvistar, Finishing a trio of good bitches, lovely head, balanced body, again another moving well and true, unlucky to meet 1st & 2nd in such fine form.
Judge: Claire Lewis
Open Show May 2024 Judge - C Lewis
NESS Open Show Report – 5th May 2024
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge the Northern English Setter Society. I had a most enjoyable day, two super stewards, which kept the ring moving.
Veteran D/B (2,0)
1st Taylor’s, Sh Ch Wensleydale Margarita, A beautiful bitch, elegant with super type, head lean, oval skull, square muzzle, good stop, dark eye, lovely neck in to shoulder, leading to an excellent topline, tail well set, super round spring ribs, stifles well bent, moved with free and graceful gait. Pushed in challenge for top awards. BVIS
2nd Hopper’s Bramstorm Forest Spite, nearly 8year old, Nice head, lean with good stop, neck long muscular, balanced angles, slightly longer cast than 1st, loin arched & well muscled, round bone, good well arched feet with padded toes.
Minor Puppy D/B (6,2)
1st Taylor’s Wansleydale Honey Bee, so clean in outline, with elegant appearance. A very pretty bitch, lean head, oval over skull, showing brain room, muzzle moderately deep & fairy square, bright expressive oval eyes, ears set low and velvety tip, close set, long neck which is muscular & lean, excellent balance angles, deep in brisket, ribs well back, rounded bone, stifles well bent, moved free with graceful action, super drive, so well put down for a young puppy BPIS
2nd Goutorbe’s Wansleydale Beekeeper At Redhara, Another good dog, can see from the catalogue a brother to 1st, just right for age, right amount of round bone, correct size for age. Head carried high, pleasing head, like little more skull, excellent oval eye, long lean neck, well laid shoulders, width between blades, a touch longer in body, good rear end, long from hip to hock, with good short hocks, lovely coat, moved well with excellent side gait & true up & down. RBD
3rd Derry’s Hawklawn Hazzard Country At Balveine, Overall a pleasing shape, good quality head, well grown boy, moved well once settled.
Puppy D/B (8,1)
1st Taylor’s Wansleydale Honey Bee, Repeat from 1st Minor puppy
2nd Hutchinson & Dennis Mariglen My Heart Will Go On With Monaysbridge, another super puppy, who is a beautiful shape shows air of elegance. Side profile of head showing good occipital protuberance, muzzle is moderately deep & square, l what a little bit more width in her head from the front, neck with crest, good shoulder with wide blade, lovely round bone, good rear angles, width to loin, well arched , moved with style and drive, will watch with interest how she matures.
3rd Goutorbe’s Wansleydale Beekeeper At Redhara, repeat 2nd in Minor puppy.
Junior Dog (2,1)
1st Ciaputa’s, Ravensett Cote D’Azur , repeat from puppy, 11 month old having the time of his life! Super friendly & moving with lots of enthusiasm, mature, well defined masculine head, good neck in to ok shoulders, good top-line, correct bone, lovely coat, standing on correct feet.
Yearling (1,1) Absent
Graduate Dog (4,2)
1st Smith’s Bournehouse Secret Sunshine Of Meadowrush , overall a good shape, lovely type, pleasing balanced head, good eye, nice stop, neck ok, he was carrying too much weight, which affected movement, causing a lock of enthusiasm and drive from behind.
2nd Horne’s Pewterspeare Porter. A much leaner sort all through, lovely head with dark eye, good round bone, ok depth to well spring rib, short in loin, short in hock, giving handler hard time on the move, which affected assessing movement.
Post Graduate Dog (2,0)
1st Catton & Cook’s Valsett Starlite Sky Storm With Ferngate, a super moving dog, show beautiful graceful action, free moving with head carried high. This tri dog has lovely balanced angles, a good head with good expression, ears set low with velvety tip, muscular lean neck, deep in brisket, moderate body. Liked him a lot -BD
2nd Taylor’s Kanietter Koloa, pleasing head, good stop, oval skull, like darker eye, moderately balanced, good topline, short hocks, moved ok.
Limit Dog (1,1) 1st – Repeat 2nd PGD
Open Dog – No Entries
Junior Bitch (4,1)
1st Bott, Allan & Morgan’s Quensha Glitter And Gold – Super shaped young bitch, excellent head, oval skull, lean with good stop, expressive eyes, of correct shape, good lean muscular neck, in to well-placed shoulder, moderate body with good spring of rib, matching rear angles, short in hock, correct round bone, lovely underline, moved free and graceful showing drive from behind . Considered for top honours
2nd Skaggs-Gooch’s Nellasett Velvet Brown – honest tri bitch , head lean, fairly square, ok neck, shoulder little high set, deep brisket, ok rear, moved ok, good topline, short in hock.
Yearling Bitch (5,1)
1st Owen’s Marwessett Ysobel Enigma At Cornett JW, though this was a top class young bitch, so elegant, beautiful lean head ,low ears, velvety tip , correct eye, super expression, long elegant neck in to good front angles, shoulders blades wide, well sprung ribs, well ribbed back, muscular loin. Long hip to hock, lovely waggy friendly tail action, free flowing movement which was joy to watch around the ring,
2nd Reid’s Hunterblue Mystique At Diersett, Nice head, dark eye, like little more skull, moderate neck, good shoulders, moderate angles, nice round bone, well ribbed up, muscular loin, ok rear, short hocks, good well arched toes, with feather.
3rd Skaggs-Gooch Nellasett Velvet Brown, Repeat from JB
Graduate Bitch (5,1)
1st Prest’s Caleydene Comet, typey bitch overall good shape but a little long, lovely head, melting expression, excellent movement front & back, good laid of shoulder with blades wide, good round bone, deep in rib & well sprung , excellent width to thigh, stifle well bent, moved well, with happy attitude.
2nd Reid’s Hunterblue Mystique At Diersett, Repeat 2nd YB
Post Graduate Bitch (2,0)
1st Dykes Caleydene Connection. Orange belton, lovely shape, good head, good stop, fairy square, food length go neck, moderate front angles, good top line, balanced rear angle, moved well.
2nd Dennis, Harris, & Morgan’s Mariglen Unwrapped JW – decent bitch, she wasn’t up for moving today, pleasing head, good expression, ok neck, good shoulder & return, longer in the back than 1st. Balanced rear end, stifles well bent, lovely tail set and top line, short hock.
Limit Bitch (2,1)
1st Hutchinson’s Monaysbridge Iris – Nice lean head , low set ears, correct eye, good neck little upright in shoulder, ok depth brisket, well bent stifles, short in hock, longer in loin, moved ok.
Open Bitch (3,0)
This was a good class and not much to spilt them up.
1st Wale’s Sh Ch Chnina Golden Rose, this is such a well-made bitch, elegant all through, beautiful head, lean with good stop, fairly square, lovely eye, super muscular neck, in to the best of shoulders, plenty of return, fore-chest , deep in brisket, good rounded ribs, loin short, well-muscled, well bent stifles, great top-line stacked and moving, great free flowing action, just would like her to loose a little weight but could not deny her BB & BIS
2nd Dykes Wansleydale Bedazzled At Caleydene, this is another good bitch, ticking all the boxes, gorgeous head, ear set low with velvety tip, again excellent angles, good fore chest, well ribbed back, good top-line & tail set. Moved with style and head held high. RBB RBIS.
3rd Forrest’s Walshaw Illumination Over Elvistar, Finishing a trio of good bitches, lovely head, balanced body, again another moving well and true, unlucky to meet 1st & 2nd in such fine form.
Judge: Claire Lewis
1st Open Show April 2024 Judge - Sheree Parrish
Northern English Setter Society Morning Open Show 5th May 2024
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge at their morning show. It was a privilege to go over so many beautiful dogs, there was a great atmosphere and I appreciate everyone accepting my decisions on the day with good grace. Some classes were hotly contested with many excellent exhibits being placed down the line…another day could so easily mean a different decision, but then that is what dog showing is all about. We were blessed with good weather and a nice size grass ring, I hope the entrants had as good a time as I did.
Best in Show went to Sh Ch Chanina Golden Rose, RBIS to Valsett Starlite Sky Storm with Ferngate, Best Puppy in Show to Mariglen My Heart Will Go on with Monaysbridge and Best Veteran to Sh Ch Wansleydale Margarita.
Veteran Dog or Bitch (2,0)
1st Taylors’ Sh Ch Wansleydale Margarita – What an absolute pleasure to go over this 9 year old orange bitch. Very feminine head with a pretty expression, good reach of neck into great layback of shoulders. Straight front, well angulated and a level topline that she kept on the move. Moved out well with a slashing tail. Was delighted to award her Best Veteran in Show.
2nd Hoppers’ Bramstorm Forest Sprite – almost 8 year old orange dog, nice head with dark, expressive eyes, well placed ears, arched neck and overall very well made. Moved slowly but soundly.
Minor Puppy Dog or Bitch (4,0)
1st Taylors’ Wansleydale Honey Bee – 8 months old tricolour bitch headed this wonderful class of quality puppies. Several from the same litter and I am sure they will swap places on another day. This bitch has an excellent shape to her when stacked, ultra feminine head with a kind eye, long neck into good shoulders. Nice tight feet and tail set spot on. Excellent angulation fore and aft and good spring of rib and depth to chest already. In good coat for her age. She moved out well, in typical puppy fashion but very soundly.
2nd Derry, Schoneville & Williamsons’ Hawklawn Hazzard County at Balvenie – 7 months old tricolour dog. What a fabulous puppy, very masculine and very well boned. Handsome head, dark eyes and wide nostrils. Nicely short coupled, moved out with exuberance. Giving a fair bit away in age today but I can see a promising future ahead. Pleased to award him Best Puppy Dog.
3rd Goutorbes’ Wansleydale Beekeeper at Redhara
Puppy Dog or Bitch (8,1, 1 W/D)
1st Hutchinson and Dennis’ Mariglen My Heart Will Go On With Monaysbridge – 9 months old blue belton bitch. Very well made throughout, lovely shape to her. Her head is feminine and she has a soft expression, although there was a hint of mischief in her eye today and she gave both her handler and runner a bit of a hard time. Well bodied, great angulation and moved out well once settled. Added to that she has the most fantastic coat for her age. Close decision between 1st and 2nd place, two very nice puppies. Delighted to award her Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Taylors’ Wansleydale Honey Bee
3rd Hughes Mariglen Here To Eternity
Junior Dog (2,1 W/D)
Sadly, one of the exhibits of this class had to be withdrawn following an unforeseeable accident at the start of judging. I wish him well in his recovery.
1st Ciaputas’ Ravensett Cote D’Azur – 11 month old Orange dog. Masculine head, dark eyes with a melting expression, chiselled features, low set ears and nice wide nostrils. Quite mature for his age, looks an absolute picture when stacked, great angulation, short coupled, nice tight feet and a level topline which he held on the move. Unfortunately, he decided today was the day for hi-jinks and played his handler up as soon as she got him into a stand, then bounced around the ring. He thoroughly enjoyed his time today, such a shame as I have seen him move out beautifully and controlled from the ringside. One with a bright future nevertheless.
Yearling Dog (1,0)
Millers’ Ravensett Calvaro – Orange belton dog of 16 months. Caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring and had not seen him before. What an absolutely cracking dog, masculine head with dark eyes, low set ears, gentle expression. Really well bodied for his age and carrying a long silky coat to complete the picture. Angulation is spot on, tight feet, excellent tail carriage and level topline. On the move he just glides with a slashing tail. Pleased to award him Reserve Best Dog.
Graduate Dog (4,2)
1st Hornes’ Pewterspeare Porter – 3 year old blue, nice head with low set ears, long neck into good shoulders, nice tight feet and in good coat. Good angulation but would prefer more substance overall. Beautifully presented. Moved well to take the class.
2nd Smiths’ Bournehouse Secret Sunset of Meadowrush – 5 year old orange belton, much more my type but sadly carrying too much weight. This reflected in his movement as he appeared sluggish going around the ring and was not holding his topline well today. He has the most beautiful head with a gentle expression, dark eyes, chiselled features and nice wide nostrils. Owner mentioned after judging that he had been ill and the weight gain was due to medication, I wish him well in his recovery and look forward to seeing him when he is back to good form.
Post Graduate Dog
1st Catton & Cooks’ Valsett Starlite Sky Storm with Ferngate – Tricolour, now really coming into his own at 4 years of age. Has the most beautiful head with a well defined stop and oval skull, dark eye. Perfect dentition. Long, arched neck into excellent shoulders, short coupled with good angulation fore and aft, great bone. Well set on tail which he used on the move. Level topline kept at all times. Added to this, he is dripping in coat and moved around the ring with drive. Pleased to award him Best dog.
2nd Taylors’ Kanietter Kokoa – 3 year old tricolour with a nice head and expression. Upright in shoulder and not as well angulated as 1st, which reflected in his movement. Very well presented.
Limit Dog (1,0)
1st Kanietter Kokoa
Junior Bitch (4,1)
1st Bott, Allen & Morgans’ Quensha Glitter and Gold – wow, what a stunning bitch. Almost 13 months old dark orange belton, she has the most beautiful head and expression, so very feminine with a dark eye, well defined stop, and nicely placed ears. Strong neck into great shoulders, short coupled with excellent angulation throughout. Well off for bone, tightest of feet and carrying a long silky coat. Chest deep in brisket and widely sprung ribs. Moved out happily and at one with her handler, tail slashing as she went. Seriously considered her for top honours.
2nd Skeggs – Goochs’ Nellasett Velvet Brown – So unlucky to meet 1st in this class. This bitch is so well balanced and has excellent overall proportions. A pretty head, slightly broader than 1st but still very feminine, lovely dark eyes and a sweet expression. Arched neck into great shoulders, level topline and well set on tail. Well off for bone and nice tight feet, straight in front and well angulated at the rear. Good coat and well presented. I have seen her move out better, she was slightly sluggish today but couldn’t deny her 2nd place in good company.
3rd Forrests’ Elvistar Private Dancer
Yearling Bitch (5,0)
1st Reids’ Hunterblue Mystique at Diersett I have judged this beautiful blue previously and, in my opinion, she has just got better. She has a gorgeous head with well chiselled features and such a beautiful dark eye and low set ears, giving her the kindest expression. Great angulation and in lovely coat today. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. She moves out well on a loose lead, showing how well made she is, excellent presentation.
2nd Seamans’ Mariglen Villanelle – Very close decision between first three in this class who could change places on another day. This tricolour bitch caught my eye and I thought she would be my winner but just pipped to the post in movement today. So much to like about her, feminine head with a melting expression, well arched neck into good shoulders. Slightly larger all over than 1st but totally in proportion and presented a very balanced picture when stacked. Super coat and condition.
3rd Owens’ Marwessett Ysobel Enigma at Cornsett JW
Graduate Bitch (5,1)
1st Prests’ Caleydene Comet – 3 year old orange belton who I had not seen before. Another one with a pretty head, dark eyes and kind expression. Lovely bone and the tightest of feet. Well made throughout, so well balanced when standing and came into her own on the move which reflected how well made she is.
2nd Reids’ Hunterblue Mystique at Diersett
3rd Owens’ Sharnyx Sparklin Starlight at Cornsett
Post Graduate Bitch (2,0)
1st Dykes’ Caleydene Connextion – another close decision in this class, the 1st place just moving that bit better today, but expect 1st and 2nd could easily change places on another day. This orange belton is of a lovely type, so feminine, her head is balanced and she has a long lean neck into good shoulders. Deep chest and good spring of rib, well set on tail. Beautifully presented and in good coat. Moved out soundly with drive and good reach.
2nd Dennis, Harris & Morgans’ Mariglen Unwrapped – a lovely tricolour that I recalled having judged as a youngster, and she has certainly bloomed into a promising adult. Now 3 years old and looking good from all angles. Lovely head and expression, well off for bone, slightly longer cast than 1st, good depth of chest and spring of rib, elbows nicely tucked in. Luxurious coat and beautifully presented, just not so true on the move today.
Limit Bitch (3,1)
1st Seamans’ Mariglen Indigo – Very feminine dark blue who has caught my eye previously. One of the loveliest heads I have seen, dark eye giving such a gentle expression, well defined stop, oval skull and low set ears. Good length of neck, excellent depth of chest and spring of rib. Well off for bone, nice straight front and great bend of stifle, strong muscular legs. Nicely short coupled too. Shown in lovely coat today and so very well presented. Moved really well with drive from the hock. Was pleased to award her Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd Hutchinsons’ Monaysbridge Iris – Another blue bitch, 3 years old and giving her handler a bit of a hard time. She is bigger built all over than the winner but nicely made and well balanced. Pretty head, clean in outline, well ribbed and deep chest. Everything to like about her, moved soundly but not as true as the winner today.
Open Bitch (4,1)
1st Wales’ Sh Ch Chanina Golden Rose JW – I have judged this feminine bitch a few times now and she just gets better. Am delighted she has now been made up into a show champion. Most beautiful head with everything in proportion, well defined stop and the darkest of eyes. Excellent body properties, carrying slightly more weight today but her quality could not be denied. She is so well made thoughout and this is reflected when she is stacked and on the move, her tail slashing as she moves off with drive, her topline remaining level at all times. I was delighted to award her Best Bitch and Best In Show.
2nd Dykes’ Wansleydale Bedazzled at Caleydene – a tricolour bitch that I have not seen before, very nice type though and one I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to place my hands on. Feminine head with nicely chiselled features, long lean neck into good lay of shoulder, well off for bone and good spring of rib. Slightly longer than the winner in body and lost her topline slightly on the move. Moved well enough but not the driving action of 1st today.
3rd Walshaw Illumiation Over Elvistar
Sheree Parrish (Judge)
1st Open Show April 2023 Judge - Marai Dobbie
Northern English Setter Society
1st Open Show 9th April 2023
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge this show .
Also the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over your dogs .
1 Veteran D/B 1entry
1 McCabes SH CH Rachdale Elegance JW
8 Year old O/B .Feminine head with gentle expression good legnth of neck into well laid shoulders
Level top line and good turn of stifle . Moved steadily . BVIS
2 Minor Puppy D/B 1 entry ABS
3 Puppy D/B 4 entries 1 ABS
1 Stephensons Mariglen Wave Dancer for Bondgate
11 Months old blue bitch . Lovely head dark eye and low set ears . Good front and rear
angulation well off for bone and body with good coat . Moved well head up and slashing
tail . BPIS
2 Seamans Mariglen Just George
9 months blue dog . Good head and reach of neck nicely angulated . Should develop into
a nice dog . Not as together as 1 on the move .
4 Junior Dog 2 Entries
1 Williamsons Hawklawn Sultan of Swing
12 months try dog . Balanced head good shoulders and length of back would like a bit
more angulation behind but still developing .Moved well using his tail .
2 Snooks Moorbrook Mogul of March
15 months blue dog. Good bone nice angulation fore and aft good width in front plenty of
heart room a well put together dog just to heavy for me .
5 Yearling Dog 1 Entry 1 Snooks Moorbrook Mogul of March
As above .
6 Graduate Dog 1 Entry 1 Tylors Kanietter Kokoa
Try dog .Masculine head strong and well muscled in good coat . Would like more control
on the move .
7 Post Graduate Dog 2 Entries 1 ABS
1 Taylors Kanietter Kokoa
As above .
8 Limit Dog 4 Entries
1 Lawsons Wensleydale Dorian Gray
Try dog . Good head with dark eye and gentle expression good reach of neck . Good
spring of rib short coupled balanced angulation presented in lovely coat and
condition .Moved well .RBD
1 Snooks Dalreavoch Northern Caper
B/B . Nice head not overdone good shoulders and top line straight front and good depth of
brisket good angulation behind . Moved steadily .
9 Open Dog 3 Entries 1 ABS
1 Wilsons Ravensett Giovanni
O/B . Clean outline well balanced dog nice head and eye nothing overdone clean neck into
well laid shoulders straight front with good width and depth of brisket correct top line good
angulation behind . Presented in lovely coat and condition . Moved out well covering the
ground BD RBIS .
10 Junior Bitch 2 Entries 1ABS
1 Williamsons Hawklawn Jazzella
12 months tri . Sweet head nice shoulders and rear good length of back
good tail set .A lot of developing to do . Moved well using her tail .
11 Yearling Bitch 3 Entries 1 ABS
1 Wilburns Oshowa Dream Come True
B/B . Feminine head with dark eye good in shoulders and rib good top line held on the
move Moved well when settled .
2 Kemp- Taylors Quensha’s Strawberry Swing
Tri Stronger in head than 1 dark eye and low set ears strong in body moved well holding
her top line .
11 Graduate Bitch 4 Entries 1ABS
1 Dennis&Harris Mariglen Unwrapped
Light tri . Full of quality feminine head with good eye and low set ears giving a gentle
expression . Nice length of neck into well laid shoulders good return of forearm well sprung
ribs and strong hind quarters Just right for bone . Came to her best on the move covering
the ground with good head carriage and using her tail . BB BIS
2 Seamans Mariglen indigo
B/B . Good head neck and shoulders good straight front level back and strong behind .
Moved steadily
3 Dykes Caleydene Connextion
13 Post Graduate Bitch 3 Entries 2 ABS
1 Williamsons Hawklawn Snazzy Jazzy
B/B. Nice head good reach of neck balance throughout with good tail set .
Would have liked a bit more drive on the move .
14 Limit Bitch 3Entries 1ABS
1 McCabes Ribbons of Pearls
O/B . Very elegant nice head with lovely expression good shoulders deep brisket well
ribbed with strong rear
Good tail set . Overall a nice honest bitch moved steady and true . Good tail set .
1 Dykes Wandsleydale Bedazzled at Caleydene
Tri Good head pleasing expression nice length of neck good front nicely ribbed and good
hind quarters . Moved steadily .
15 Open Bitch 1Entry
Wilbur’s Culverwell Sea Breeze at Oshawa
B/B . Nice head good eye shape and colour well bodied good in front slightly slopping
topline . Moved ok .
Judge: Marai Dobbie
2nd Open Show April 2023 Judge - Jacque Bayne
Northern English Setter Society
2nd Open Show 9th April 2023
I would like to thank the committee for their very kind invitation to judge their breed show which I felt was a huge honour and to the exhibitors who gave me a very warm welcome.
PUPPY D/B :-4 (1 abs)
1st Stephenson’s Mariglen Wave Dancer for Bondgate. 11m old bitch, well balanced and mature for age. Balanced head, of equal proportions, oval skull, low set ears. Dark eyes with kind expression. Good reach of neck, lean and clean. Smooth over the shoulders which were well laid back and well covered. Good round bone. Deep chest. Tight feet. Moderate length to back with good spring of rib. Well-muscled up. Correct tail set held well on the move showing lovely lashing action. She covered the ground well with good reach and drive. In lovely coat and condition. Very pleased to award her BPIS
2nd Gardner’s Mariglen Midnight Muse of Danwish. Another very nice bitch, just a little younger at 9m. Well balanced, elegant. Not quite the build and development of 1 but the framework is there as she matures. Attractive head of equal proportions showing adequate stop. Clean square muzzle. Super dark eye giving a kind expression. Good length of neck, clean and slightly arched. Well laid back shoulders, adequate bone, feet could be tighter. Moderate length to back and good depth to chest. Correct bend of stifle. Moved steadily, covering the ground easily.
3rd Seamans Marigen Just George
1st Williamson’s Hawklawn Sultan of Swing. Upstanding balanced dog. Balanced head of equal planes. Well defined stop. Correct oval skull and muzzle deep and square. Correct reach of neck, elegant but muscular. Prefer just a bit more layback of shoulder. Well off for bone. Tight feet. Acceptable spring of rib, and length to back, with correct tail set. Well-muscled rear angulation. Moved well covering the ground economically.
2nd Snook’s Moorbrook Mogul of March. Good head carriage. Skull slightly broader, showing good stop. Skull and muzzle of almost equal proportions, muzzle a little deep. Strong neck. Excellent layback to shoulder. Positive spring of rib with level topline. Slightly shorter in loin than 1. Would have preferred better rear angulation. Well off for bone, feet could be tighter. Moved freely.
1st Snook’s Moorbrook Mogul of March. Repeat
POST GRAD DOG;- 2. (1 abs)
1st Taylor’s Kanietter Kokoa. 2 year old. Oval skull, broad in width, good stop. Skull and muzzle of similar length. Med dark eye of good shape. Clean muscular neck leading into well laid shoulder. Good depth to brisket. Well off for correct round bone. Feet could be tighter. Moderate bend of stifle. Well-muscled. Tail set on correctly of good length Overall a typey dog that just needs to develop with time. Happy enough on the move, however just lacked the drive of some.
1st Snook’s Dalreavoch Northern Caper. Very nice type. Balanced & elegant, head strong whilst retaining breed type. Head in correct proportion. Muscular neck, clean and carried well. Well laid shoulders, Forearms straight, strong and muscular good bone. Good spring of rib. Hindquarter strong with correct rear angulation. Tail set on well with good feathering. Free easy movement. Very pleased to award him RBD
2nd Lawson’s Wansleydale Dorian Grey JW SHCEX OSW.Well balanced. Head a little broader than 1 giving the impression of a strong stop. Balanced head, with a deep muzzle. Dark eye. Low ear set held close. Graceful neck clean and lean. Shoulders are well laid, clean across the shoulder moving into strong muscular forequarters. Well bodied up with good spring of rib. Correct bone and tight feet. In excellent coat and condition. Moved true
3rd Taylors Bumblecorn Ash Of Tattay
1st Wilson’s Ravensett Giovanni. Mature boy. Lovely head, carried high, skull and foreface of equal proportions. Correct oval skull with low ear set. Good depth to muzzle. Kind dark eye of correct shape giving a very soulful expression. Moderately long, muscular neck but remaining clean. Shoulders well laidback. Deep in brisket with well sprung ribs. Well bodied. Excellent round bone, straight front with tight feet and short strong pasterns. Strong muscular rear with well bent stifles. Tail set level with back and well feathered. Moved off the rear with correct extension and drive covering the ground freely
Moved with style, holding his outline. Shown in excellent condition. Delighted to award him BD & RBIS.
2nd Snook’s Dalreavoch Northern Caper. Repeat
JUNIOR BITCH;- 3. (1 abs)
1st Williamson’s Hawklawn Jazzella. 12m elegant lean head with equal proportion of skull and muzzle, Oval skull. low earset. Dark eye of oval shape, giving a kind expression. Very pretty. Moderately long lean neck, with lovely crest, feminine yet muscular. Smooth over the shoulder correctly laidback. Correct round bone. Straight front, well developed fore chest well boned. Tight round feet. Moderate spring of rib. Level topline. Hindquarters well-muscled with a good bend of stifle. Correct tail set. Moved well with drive and style and a lashing tail.
2nd Howarth’s Moorbook Owdid Ahatappen. Smaller package, however everything in proportion. Oval skull with deep stop. Muzzle and skull in proportion. Well-muscled neck of good measure. Forequarters well-muscled and of correct angulation. Straight front. Well off for bone and neat feet. Very good bend of stifle, correct tail set. Moved reasonable well, slightly erratic in places and a bit unsettled. Shown in excellent condition.
YEARLING BITCH;- 4 (1 abs)
1st Welburn’s Oshowa Dream Come True. Very well balanced. Lovely type. Elegant feminine head. Correct oval skull, moderate stop and good length to muzzle of correct depth. Correct length neck clean and muscular. Head held high. Correct front assembly, showing correct round bone with tight feet. Body in equal proportion, showing level topline and good spring of rib. Good length to loin. Hindquarter clean and muscular with correct bend of stifle. Just moved a tad wide behind to start then corrected herself. Pleased to award her RBB
2nd Howarth’s Moorbrook Owdid Ahatappen. Repeat
3rd Kemp-Taylors Quenshas Strawberry Swing
Three very nice bitches who I’m sure will change places many times
1st Dykes’s Caleydene Comet. Overall a very well balanced bitch, showing no exaggeration. Clean outline, elegant and feminine. Well balanced head of pleasing proportion showing good stop. Good reach of neck, clean but muscular. Correct front angulation showing a good forechest. Straight front with tidy elbows and correct bone. Tight well-shaped feet. Excellent spring of rib. Level topline with good depth to loin. Hindquarters long but strong and muscular, good bend of stifle and short hocks. Tail set slightly off the back well feathered. Presented in beautiful coat and condition. Lovely mover showing reach and rear extension. Very pleased to award her Best Bitch and then later BIS.
2nd Dennis, Harris and Morgan’s Mariglen Unwrapped JW. Super classic head. Lean with oval skull, good stop. Kind eye and expression. Good reach of neck, clean and muscular. Well bodied with excellent spring of rib Well-muscled rear. Moved very well. Good rear extension.
3rd Seamans Mariglen Indigo
POST GRAD BITCH;- 3. (2 abs)
1st Williamson’s Hawklawn Snazzy Jazzy. Elegant, well balanced bitch. Balanced head slender with oval skull and low set ears. Dark oval eye, giving a gentle expression. Clean neck and shoulders. Slightly narrow across chest. Well laid back shoulders. Well off for bone and tight feet. Reasonable spring of rib. Correct hind angulation, short hocks. Tail set on correct with good feathering. Moved well with ease, free moving
LIMIT BITCH;- 2. (1 abs)
1st Dykes’s Wansledale Bedazzled at Caleydene. Overall well balanced substantial bitch. Head slightly broader in skull. Good stop and good depth to muzzle. Shoulders well laid back with correct angulation. Well-muscled with straight front and well boned, tight feet and good spring of rib. Moderate bend of stifle. Correct tail set well covered. Moved ok just wasn’t showing the drive and panache I like to see at this level.
1st Welburn’s Culverwell Sea Breeze at Oshowa. Balanced. Correct head showing equal portions. Good depth to muzzle. Kind expression, having a dark eye. Well-muscled forequarters with straight front. Good bone and tight feet. Excellent spring of rib. Nicely muscled hindquarters . Low tail set well feathered. Moved a little wide today and not quite the drive of others today.
Judge Jacque Bayne
Championship Show Aug 2021 Judge - Ron James
The Northern English Setter Society staged a double championship show, under current government and KC
Covid-guidelines, at Newark Showground on Wednesday 4th August. I was invited to take over an entry 73 dogs
at the show originally scheduled to have been judged by Mr R. Blomme (Belgium) who was unable to be
present due to travel restrictions. I found the quality of the male exhibits rather mixed with an incidence of
overly upright forehand construction coupled with poorly muscled rear quarters. The incidence of gay tails was
also of concern. There was greater depth of quality in the females with particularly strong competition in the
limit and open classes. Best in Show, winning her 3rd CC on the day, was WANSLEYDALE MARGARITA with
his 3rd CC, as Best Opposite Sex. The winner of Best Puppy was MARIGLEN UNWRAPPED and Best Veteran was
MPD (2, 2)
None present.
PD (0)
No entries.
JD (2, 0)
1. Hepburn’s TATTERSET RAINBOW LEGACY, pleasing type and quality with typical head, eye and
expression, good shoulder placement with fair return of upper arm, elbows well set underbody, ample
fill of fore chest, well ribbed back, strong loin, typical outline, and proportions, somewhat excitable and
needing more positive handling, moved well when settled.
2. Wilkinson’s PHENSET FIRESTORM, typical head with pleasing eye and expression, good finish of muzzle
and flews, muscular neck, pleasing bone and feet, somewhat longer cast than winner and not as
pleasing in front assembly.
VD (O)
No entries
YD (3, 0)
1. Schoneville and Derry’s BALVENIE BLUE SENSATION, Res CC, an overall quality exhibit with much to like about him, masculine head of balanced proportions and pleasing shape, complimentary balance of front and rear assemblies with adequate angulation, ample spring and length of rib, strong loin and well coupled, pleasing croup, and set of tail, well-muscled rear quarters, moves on a fluid and unrestricted gait with desired carriage and use of tail.
2. Tattersall’s VALSETT SKY BLAZER AT ALANEA, Pleasing head properties and appeals in body shape and proportions when viewed in profile, a little light in body condition and not quite the balance and fluid gait of the winner.
ND (1, 0)
1. V Starlite Sky Blazer at A
D (6, 1)
1. Wilson’s RAVENSETT GIOVANNI, has the desired outline and proportions of the breed with a pleasing
flow of neck, through withers, backline, and croup; masculine head of balance proportions with
pleasing eye placement, shape, depth of colour, and expression; adequate balance of front and rear
assemblies although a shade narrow in fore chest, moves on a steady and easy stride.
2. Kelly’s CORNSETT THE WISE ONE, Pleasing type, build and proportions with a well-balanced, masculine
head of pleasing shape and proportions, dark expressive eye, ample bone, good feet, ample expanse
and length of rib and strong loin, carrying a little too much weight and unsettled on the move.
PGD (7, 0)
1. Ridsdill’s SHARNYX GLACIER ICE, A completely honest exhibit free from exaggeration and with much to like about him, well-made body of the desired proportions giving an impression of power and strength without appearing heavy or cumbersome; well-proportioned, and correctly shaped masculine head
with a well-placed dark, and expressive eye of pleasing shape and size; Good flow and symmetry of outline from nose to tail, pleasing length and expanse of ribcage; balanced construction of front and
rear assemblies, strong, fluid and positive, mover with good carriage and use of tail.
2. Normansell’s LATIN LOVER REWIND FOR LARENIE (Imp), Athletic in appearance and in hard condition, pleasing head properties, dark and expressive eye, strong neck, firm backline, well off for bone, tight feet, free and easy stride with correct tail carriage, a little longer cast than winner.
MLD (2, 1)
1. Lawson’s WANSLEYDALE DORIAN GRAY, Quality dog of pleasing type, typical, outline and proportions,
balanced ratio of skull and muzzle length but perhaps slightly broad in back skull; needs to grow into himself and fill out in body; would have preferred a little more freedom of front action.
LD (6, 0)
1. Danks-Kemish’s RAVENSETT WORK OF ART AT ALOLFRANA, CC, exhibit of classical type and quality, masculine in appearance and outlook, well balanced and moulded head of correct shape and
proportions, well placed and expressive eyes of good colour and shape; strong neck flowing seamlessly
into a firm backline with ample expanse and length of rib with good coupling and a strong loin; well set
croup with pleasing tail set; moves accurately and truly on a balanced stride; delighted to have been
able to award this quality dog his 3rd CC.
2. Arkley’s HARTSETT FLASHDANCE, an exhibit of pleasing overall make and shape with balance of
construction and symmetry of outline and proportions, well finished body giving an impression of strength and depth, ample ribbing, pleasing coupling with strong loin, positive, free, and well-balanced
gait, not quite as pleasing in head properties and coat needs some thinning out.
OD (4, 1)
1. Kelly’s ALOLFRANA MEMPHIS ROCK, mature, well grown and finished masculine exhibit of pleasing overall type and quality, correctly shaped and balanced head, well set, expressive eye of good shape and colour, strong neck, firm top line, well coupled and a free and east mover with pleasing carriage and a correctly set and carried tail.
2. Poynter and Lewis’ SH CH QUENSHA COWBOYS AND ANGELS, built in a lighter frame than winner with a clean and refined head of good shape and balance, has a pleasing eye and expression, good flow of neck with a firm top line, upright in shoulder and lacking in return of upper arm, and moving with a
somewhat clipped gait and too high a tail carriage.
MPB (6, 0)
1. Dennis’ MARIGELN UNWRAPPED, BP, presents a very typical overall pattern, shows great promise, pretty, feminine head with delightful eye and expression, balanced construction, elbows well set under body, sturdy well-made quarters, steady on the move; headed a class of promising babies and it will be interesting to watch how they develop and fare in the future.
2. Cook and Sharron’s PERNICKETY SOLILOQUY, pleasing shape and proportions, pretty head, eye and
expression, ample ribbing, firm top line, a little unsettled at first but steadied enough to show off her paces and gain this placing in good company.
PB (3, 0)
1. P. Soliloquy.
2. Boyles’ HARVANCOURT ICE MAIDEN AT BLEYOS, not as forward or as well grown as winner and not as
appealing in head and eye, active mover but would have preferred a little more freedom of action.
JB (5, 1)
1. Danks-Kemish’s MANDYSET FAME AND FORTUNE AT ALOLFRANA, lovely body proportions and silhouette, classical head, eye, and expression, pleasing overall balance of conformation with just enough bone and substance to match her ultrafeminine appearance; pleasing length and balance of stride which would be even more apparent if she were moved at a slightly slower pace, pleasing
carriage and excellent use of tail.
2. Dobbie’s TATTERSET SWISS STORM AT SUTHRON, quality exhibit of pleasing type and conformation, typical in head, eye and expression, happy temperament, not as finished in rib cage as winner, and with a tendency to fly her tail on the move.
3. Grimsdell and Stewart’s TATTERSETT RAINSWEPT.
VB (2, 0)
1. Stephenson’s LAKECASTLE KASUMI AT WISTASTON, BV, a quality, seven-year-old in fine form and condition; typical body shape, outline and proportions with a most typical head, eye and expression, strong neck, firm backline, good ribbing, short loin, well coupled and steady mover with pleasing tail carriage.
2. Hartle and Stone’s HARTSETT ALL MY LOVIN, Another seven-year-old in fine form, well put together with a typical shape and outline, kind eye, pleasing gait and tail carriage, carrying a shade extra bodyweight and just preferred the winner’s slightly more refined head properties.
YB (2, 0)
1. Watkin’s VALSETT STARLITE NIGHT SKY, very nice type, and quality, pleases in head, eye, and
expression; correct body shape, and proportions; ample depth and strength of body; balanced angulation of front and rear limbs, strong neck, ample ribbing, short loin, positive and accurate on the move, correct carriage and use of tail on the move.
2. McCabe’s RACHDALE RIBBONS OF PEARLS, feminine outlook and build with bone and substance too match; pleasing head properties with typical eye and expression, strong neck, and firm top line,
pleasing slope of croup and set of tail, a little upright in shoulder and would benefit from a little more fill of fore chest.
NB (2, 0)
1. Whiting’s TATTERSET FRANKEL’S STORM AT ORMSTIGA, pleases in head, eye, and expression as well as in profile body shape and proportions; would like a more fill of fore chest and a smoother gait;
rather inclined to fly her tail on the move.
2. Parrish and Nunn’s TAWNYMEADE WE WILL REMEMBER, deep in body with pleasing overall
construction, excellent ribbing and strong quarters, head shape is not quite typical and gave a lack
lustre performance on the move.
GB (3, 1)
1. Forrest’s WALSHAW ILLUMINATION OVER ELVISTAR, very well presented and in good order, has a head of balanced proportions and pleasing shape, with kind expression; stands well over her ground with elbows set under body, with hocks of good length and pleasing placement; moved well with
purpose but inclined to carry her tail a tad high at times.
2. Williamson’s HAWKLAWN SNAZZY JAZZY, pleasing type and quality with many pleasing breed points, moves with a breed typical gait and correct use of tail but just a little light in condition
PGB (5, 0)
1. Williams’ BOURNEHOUSE PRECIOUS DREAM, lot to like about this medium sized quality exhibit, very
pleasing head properties, excellent, eye and expression, good flow of neck and top line, well ribbed back, strong loin, pleasing croup and tail set, accurate mover with typical carriage and use of tail, just
carrying a little too much weight to attain higher honours on the day.
2. W Illumination over E.
MLB (5, 0)
1. Dennis, Harris and Morgan’s GEMSETT ICE COLD IN ALEX AT MARIGLEN, a champion in the making who has yet to realise her full potential, the best of heads and expressions, please in front assembly with ample length and expanse of rib, firm top line which she holds well on the move, just lacked a little
in maturity in comparison with those who beat her in the challenge for best of sex.
2. Grimsdell’s TATTERSETT LUCERNE, another champion in the making and it was a close call to choose between these two fine examples of the breed, just came down to splitting hairs on the inner points of the breed and these placing could easily go the other way on another day.
LB (5, 0)
1. Kelly’s RICHECHA CHORUS GIRL, Res CC, top quality exhibit with a commanding presence that
immediately attracts the eye and demands further attention, she is most pleasing to go over with her
flowing outline and confluent symmetry from head to tail, grand neck and top line, excellent ribcage,
long enough in loin, excellent croup and set of tail, excellent shoulder placement and super, wellmuscled quarters, moves freely with a most typical action and tail carriage. Pushed the CC winner all the way in the challenge.
2. Williams’ BOURNEHOUSE SECRET LOVE, Most unlucky to meet such strong opposition in this class;
excellent type and quality; feminine and elegant in appearance, typical body shape with the desired
proportions and symmetry, good neck, and top line, well filled fore chest, ample rib, strong loin, pleasing coupling and slope of croup. Not the fluidity and ease of action of the winner but nonetheless a most worthy contender.
Judge Ron James
Championship Show Jul 2019 Judge - Mrs Anne Derry Balvenie Dogs
Dog Critique for NESS Championship Show 20/7/2019
Judge Mrs Anne Derry Balvenie
I would like to thank the NESS committee for inviting me to give my first set of CCs at this prestigious show. My ring stewards kept everything running very smoothly and this, along with the sporting way exhibitors accepted my decisions made this a very enjoyable day. There were quality dogs to go over and I was very pleased with my final line up.
Class 1 MP dog (4,2)
Two typical minor puppies, both enjoying their day out!
1st Johnston’s Wansleydale Beguiled, 8 month old bbt with a balanced outline and well off for body and bone. Correct head for age, with dark, oval eye and good stop. Low set ears and reachy neck into well laid back shoulders. Good depth to chest and well ribbed up. Level topline, which was held on the move. Well angulated rear and shown in good condition. He moved steadily round the ring on lovely tight feet. He was less steady and true on the move in the challenge for BPD.
2nd Ridsill’s Sharnyx Glacierice, 8 month old bb slightly rangier than my winner and not quite so mature in body. Lean head with nice, dark eye and sufficient stop. Good reach of neck and layback of shoulders. Level topline which he held on the move. Moved confidently round the ring on nice tight feet, but not as precise as 1. He gave his handler rather a hard time, but another nice boy, nonetheless.
Class 2 P Dog (4,2)
Two very different types of dog, each with their own merits.
1st Kelly’s Cornsett the Wise One, nearly 12 months old masculine boy. Well grown with plenty of substance and coat. A little broad over the skull, but dark eye giving a kind expression. Sufficient reach of neck into well laid back shoulders and good depth to chest. Well ribbed up, but carrying just a little too much weight today. This affected his topline on the stack. He moved confidently round the ring and was true both forward and moving away. BPD
2nd Devine and Senior’s Hawklawn Relkino, 10 month old bbt, cast in a smaller mould than 1 and giving a lot away in age. Balanced outline, but not yet the body and substance to complete the picture. Lovely head with super dark eye and sufficient reach of neck. Correct front angulation with tight elbows and very neat feet. Level topline which he held on the move. Sufficient bend of stifle and correct tail set. He gave his handler a hard time on the move. Moving in profile he looked balanced, but was somewhat erratic coming forwards and going away.
Class 3 Junior Dog (6)
1st Bryant and Hollis’s Silvamoon Storm Trooper for Phensett, 14 month old bbt, presenting a balanced outline when stacked. Masculine head with lovely side patch and dark expressive eyes. Low set ears and defined stop. Would prefer slightly squarer muzzle. Good reach of neck into well laid back shoulders and deep chested. Well off for body and bone, he shows a level topline, which is maintained on the move. Well ribbed up and with sufficient rear angulation. He moved positively and true and was shown in good coat and condition.
2nd Wright’s Sorbus Dance the Night Away, 17 month old ob showing balance and substance on the stack. Well proportioned head with dark eyes and melting expression. Reachy neck into good layback of shoulder and level topline. Plenty of depth to chest and well ribbed up. Correct rear angulation. Shown in good coat and very hard condition. Was not as positive or accurate on the move as the class winner, but a very nice boy.
3rd Wilson’s Ravensett Giovanni
Class 4 Veteran dog (4,2)
1st Mellish’s Gemsett Pole Position for Monbrec , 7 year old bb who definitely does not look his age. Presents a balanced outline, with good reach of neck into correct lay back of shoulders. Masculine head with dark eyes and lovely soft expression. Shows good depth to chest and is well ribbed up with a level topline, which was maintained on the move. Good rear angulation and correct tail set. Shown in excellent, hard condition, he moved around the ring with drive and precision. In agreement with my co judge he was Best Veteran in Show.
2nd Hutchinson’s Mariglen Dancing Brave over Monaysbridge, 9 year old bbt who also did not look his age. A well bodied and balanced boy with masculine head, good reach of neck and correct lay back of shoulder. Well ribbed up, with level topline and correct tail set. Not the rear angulation of 1 and did not move with the same drive, though was true fore and aft.
Class 5 Yearling dog (3,1)
1st Normansell’s Latin Lover Rewind for Larrenie, 23 month old bb, presenting a balanced outline on the stack. Masculine head with dark eye, but not the stop or expression of number 2. Good reach of neck into correct shoulders, leading to level topline. Well bodied and boned and shown in good coat and hard condition. Very good rear angulation and tail straight off the back, which he used well on the move. Nice tight feet. He drove round the ring off strong quarters and was true moving away and coming towards.
2nd Snook’s Dalreavoch Northern Caper, 18 month old bb giving away 5 months in age to class winner. Not fully together yet, just needing time to mature. Balanced picture stacked, with good reach of neck into well laid back shoulders. Head is right for age and preferred stop and expression to the class winner. Well off for bone and well ribbed up. Movement was not as positive as 1 and with far less drive, but hopefully this will come with maturity. Tail set is on the low side, but was used to advantage on the move.
Class 6 Novice dog (3)
1st Wilson’s Ravensett Giovanni 12 month old ob who was third in Junior. Lots to like about this young man. Mature for his age, with correct outline and well off for bone. Lovely dark eye giving that soft setter expression. Sufficient reach of neck and well angulated shoulders. Good depth of chest and well ribbed up. Correctly angulated rear end and tight feet enabled him to move round the ring with drive.
2nd Brown’s Mariglen Nigh Manager at Yendorlech , 3yr old bbt who gave his handler a very hard time. More mature than class winner and in good coat, he was less balanced on the stack, tending to drop his topline. He has a masculine head and super dark eyes, with good reach of neck into adequate layback of shoulder. Well ribbed up and with good rear angulation and tail straight off the back. He lacked the positivity of 1 on the move, though shown in good hard condition.
Class 7 Graduate dog (5,1)
1st Taylor’s Wansleydale Quicksilver, balanced bbt shown in good coat and condition. Masculine head with low set ears and lovely dark, oval eyes. Reachy neck into good layback of shoulders, flowing into level topline, which was maintained on the move. Well off for body and bone, well ribbed up and correct tail set. Good rear angulation and hard condition ensured drive on the move, which was true fore and aft. Still needs to tighten a touch in front, but he is a young dog. Has a very promising career ahead, I am sure. Was pleased to award him the RCC
2nd Owen’s Sunrush Secret Love. Cast in a larger mould, this bbt was just not as finished as the class winner. Masculine head with typical setter expression, good reach of neck and sufficient lay back to shoulder. Good depth of chest and level topline, leading to correct rear angulation. Shown in good condition, he moved true both ways, but without the drive of 1and gave his handler quite a hard time.
3rd Wilson’s Ravensett Giovanni
Class 8 Post Graduate dog (5,1)
1st Arkley’s Hartsett Flash Dance, well coated, mature ob who I considered for the RCC. Very balanced outline, level topline and correct tail set. Super head with lovely dark eyes, good reach of neck into correctly placed shoulders. Tight elbows and good depth to chest. Well off for bone and body, with plenty of coat. Well angulated rear and good condition meant he moved with drive, but not quite the accuracy of the RCC winner. Another nice dog who I am sure will trouble the best.
2nd Brown’s Mariglen Top Gear at Yendorlech, bbt of heavier build than 1. Not quite the balance of 1 when stacked, but presented in good coat and condition. Broader in skull, he nonetheless has a pleasing expression, with dark eyes and low set ears. Good depth to chest, sufficient reach of neck and correct shoulder angulation. Tight elbows, well ribbed up and good bend of stifle complete the picture. He moved with drive, but not with the elegance or balance of the class winner.
3rd Mellish’s Wattlewood Silver Arrow to Monbrec
Class 9 Mid limit dog (2,1)
1st Kelly’s Alofrana Memphis Rock, bbt who stood alone. Presents a balanced outline and was in great coat and condition. Masculine head, low set ears, reachy neck into correctly angulated shoulders. Deep in body and well ribbed up with level topline and tail straight off the back. Lovely tight feet. Good rear angulation meant he moved with drive, but needs to tighten in front.
Class 10 Limit dog (5)
1st Jennings-Sharman’s Canteris Cool for Catz, bb, winning the class on movement. Overall balanced, with masculine head and dark eye. Sufficient reach of neck and correct layback of shoulder, with level topline and correct tail set. Good depth of chest, well off for bone and well ribbed up. Well angulated rear and hard condition meant he moved with drive and was accurate fore and aft. Shown in good coat.
2nd Butler’s Wansleydale Goldsmith, ob presenting a balanced profile. Masculine head and low ear set with reachy neck into good layback of shoulder. Deep in chest and well ribbed up, he was just dropping his topline a little today. Well bent stifle and correct tail set, with super coat completed the picture. Moved out well, but not quite the accuracy of the class winner.
3rd Oliver’s Bramstorm Oberon
Class 11 Open dog (6,2)
4 worthy show champions….a lovely class to judge!
1st Stewart and Quenby’s Tattersett Galileo. Bb who is not overdone in any aspect….a good honest dog. He has recently gained his title, but was not entered as such in the catalogue. Very balanced outline from his masculine head to his correct tail set. Lean head with dark eyes and low set ears. Good reach of neck and sufficient layback of shoulder. Good depth to chest and well ribbed up. Level topline which was maintained on the move. Correct bend of stifle and hard condition ensured he moved accurately round the ring, with slashing tail action. Nice tight feet. Lovely coat completed the picture. A very nice boy. Moved with drive and animation in the challenge, which won him the CC.
2nd Thomson’s Sh Ch Mariglen Fetlar Caspellwynd bb of a different type. Larger frame, but balanced outline. Masculine head with kind expression. Good reach of neck and layback of shoulders with level topline and tail straight off the back. Deep in chest, well boned and well ribbed up. Good bend to stifle. Excellent coat, tight feet and shown in hard condition. Moved with drive but not as true or accurate as the class winner. Another lovely boy.
3rd Bryant and Hollis’s Sh Ch Phenset Blue Max
Championship Show Jul 2019 Judge - Mrs Maggie White Bitches
Bitches Critique NESS Ch. Show – 20th July 2019
Judge Mrs Maggie White
Firstly thanks to NESS for the invitation to judge at this Club Championship show and to the exhibitors for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions. The Committee decided to have judging indoors and this was proved to be the right decision after the torrential rain that arrived in the afternoon. It was encouraging to see some quality youngsters, and I hope the breed continues to move forward in this way.
Minor Puppy Bitch (9 entries 1 Ab)
1st Taylors Wansleydale Bizzie Bee outstanding minor puppy so much work in this head, correct expressive eyes long lean neck into excellent shoulders good spring of rib level topline good bone moved with drive and style for one so young, so pleased to award her best puppy and a well-deserved BPIS
2nd Olivers Bramstorm Speckled Wood smart light blue well chiselled head dark eye clean neck and shoulders, short back level topline well off for bone shown in good coat moved well with style, another strong puppy.
3rd Williams Bournehouse Sunny Days
Puppy Bitch (5 Entries)
1st J Dennis L Harris & D Morgan Gemsett Ice Cold in Alex at Mariglen delightful orange lady, lean head with well-defined stop correct eye colour, long lean neck into well laid back shoulders, good spring of rib excellent on the move, another smart well-made youngster.
2nd Williams Bournehouse Calendar Girl tri girl with all the qualities one expects from this kennel feminine through and through everything in the right place and shown in excellent coat moved well and true.
3rd Oliver Bramstorm Speckled Wood
Junior Bitch (3 Entries 1 Withdrawn)
1st Owens Sunrush Light My Fire smart lady lean head with correct eye shape gentle expression long lean neck into well set back shoulders straight front good rear angulation positive movement, shown in good coat.
2nd Jones Alolfrana N’ all That Jazz, Kind expression straight front well off for bone shown with plenty of coat, positive movement.
Veteran Bitch (3 Entries 3 Abs)
Yearling Bitch (5 Entries 3 Abs)
1st Grimsdell Tattersett Dark Honey lovely lady who did not disappoint in any area, feminine head with soft expression good eye shape long lean neck into correct lay of shoulder, good spring of rib level topline well bent stifles moved with drive and style expertly handled. Pleased to award her the RCC and on the Referee’s decision, she was awarded RBIS
2nd Williams Bournehouse Secret Love another smart lady with excellent proportions lean head and neck good spring of rib and depth of chest in fantastic coat, moved with positive action.
Novice Bitch (6 Entries 1 Abs)
1st Olivers Bramstorm Speckled Wood
2nd Montells Culverwell Take Me To Heaven, smart lady good angulation front and rear well off for bone tight feet took a while to settle but then moved well and true.
3rd Jones Alolfrana N’ all That Jazz
Graduate Bitch (5 Entries 2 Abs)
1st C Hartle & A Stone Hartsett Lady In Grey smart tri good head with soft expression good eye shape long lean neck deep brisket well sprung rib cage level topline round bone tight feet moved with style and drive.
2nd N Bryant & V Hollis Phenset Sparks Will Fly dark eye lean neck excellent body properties with good angulation front and rear, move well.
3rd Tonkinsons Shelindair Cinderella
Post Graduate Bitch (3 Entries 2 Abs)
1st Owens Mariglen Candle In The Wind pretty tri with well-defined stop dark eye low set ears, lean neck, short back deep rib cage with excellent bend of stifle moved well.
Mid Limit Bitch (3 Entries)
1st TaylorsWansleydale Margarita the star of the day another stunning bitch from this quality kennel, she oozes style and glamour, from her well chiselled head with the most feminine expression low set ears long lean neck, excellent lay of shoulder straight front deep rib cage level topline excels in bend of stifle and she moves with drive and style, shown in excellent condition handled and presented to perfection very pleased to award her her first CC and on the Referee’s decision she was awarded BIS.
2nd Montells Culverwell Celeste another very pretty bitch lean head well defined stop clean neck good body properties stifles well bent shown in good coat and moved true.
3rd Ridsdills Tattersett Burnt Sugar at Sharnyx
Limit Bitch (5 Entries)
1st Dennis Mariglen Sweat Pea quality bitch from head to toe with melting expression oval skull long lean neck good lay of shoulder spring of rib and depth of chest, short coupled correct tail set moved well with drive.
2nd Wellers Ravensett Giselle at Juledeane another stunning lady beautiful head everything in the right place just today she did not have her coat on, but could not be denied her place.
3rd McCabes Rachdale Elegance
Open Bitch (9 Entries 4 Abs)
1st Dennis, Harris & D Morgan Nattaset Sonata Arctica at Mariglen dark blue with a lovely head well chiselled dark expressive eyes low set ears longest of lean necks level topline excellent spring of rib deep chest shown in good coat and condition, moved well on strong hindquarters.
2nd Grimsdells Tattersett Clever Cookie another super quality bitch who is so well constructed gentle expression low set ears long lean neck good lay of shoulders deep chest with plenty of heart room, strong muscular hindquarters, presented in tip top condition and moved with drive.
3rd Hartle & Stone Hartsett All My Lovin
Championship Show – Memorial Classes
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge at this show and for their excellent hospitality.
David Ingham Memorial Special Yearling Award (12,6abs)
1st Snook – Dalreavoch Northern Caper
Well presented in good condition, a promising boy who is in a typical stage of development for his age. Square in outline, good head and eye, long arched neck, sufficient bone, decent topline, deep chest, good bend of stifle, nicely muscled and covered the ground confidently on the move.
2nd Bailey – Ravensett Seville at Gwithian
Another boy in a similar stage of development to 1st . Well constructed with decent bone, deep chest and plenty of rib. Masculine head with soft expression and long arched neck, good topline but just a little longer cast than I would prefer. Presented in good coat and moved well.
3rd Bryant & Hollis – Silvamoon Storm Trooper For Phensett
The Special Open Memorial Award (13,2abs)
1st Taylor – Wansleydale Margarita
What a girl, she has everything going for her. Nice size o/b with lovely square outline, feminine head of good proportions, kind dark eye with soft expression, long arched neck. Well constructed throughout with good bone and deep chest with plenty of rib, level topline and correct tail set. Her movement is relaxed, free and easy yet ground covering at the same time, she held her topline on the move with good head carriage also and a lashing tail that never stops. Presented in good coat. I could not deny her today and so pleased to see her later go BIS, well done.
2nd Howarth – Alolfrana Kansas Kate at Moorbrook
Another nice square girl, a little smaller type than 1st but has an attractive head with expressive eye. Well put together, level topline, short body, well developed ribcage, deep chest and good angulation. Movement once she settled was also free and easy with that excellent tail action that never stops even when standing. In good coat .Would personally prefer just a bit more of her.
3rd Oliver – Bramstorm Oberon
1st Open Show May 2019 Judge - Mel Sharples
Northern English Setter open show 4th May 2019
First, I would like to say a big thank you to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge their open show. This was my first judging appointment at this level and I really enjoyed the day. It was a shame we could not be outdoors as the hall is not the biggest, but the committee made some alterations to the ring that allowed the dogs more room to move and that was greatly appreciated, thank you.
Veteran Dog/Bitch
1st Sh.Ch. Canteris Careless Whisper 8yrs young O/B bitch. One who I have judged before and she is still a lovely example of our breed. Sweetest expression with a kind dark eye, good length of neck into oblique shoulders, has retained her topline and moves with ease belying her age. Thank you for bringing her back to me.
2nd Canonsett Crazy Love 8yrs young B/B/T dog. He was clearly enjoying his day out today and what a joy to have him still moving so freely, he really did not look his age. He just paddled bit coming towards me. Kind expression with a lovely dark eye, kept his topline on the move, great use of his tail.
Minor Puppy Dog/Bitch
1st Gemsett Ice Cold in Alex O/B bitch 7 months old. This little girl certainly exudes confidence, elegance and class. She moves so positively with fabulous tail action; I could not take my eyes off her. Prettiest of heads with a hint of mischief in her dark eyes, lovely arched neck into correct lay of shoulder. Deep chest with plenty of heart room with a well-muscled rear end. Not a small bitch but one I loved and could have taken home. R.B.B & B.P.I.S.
2nd Hawklawn Snazzy Jazzy 7mths B.B.T. bitch This bitch is built on a smaller frame than 1 but is so well put together and I am sure will swap places with 1 many times. Exquisite feminine head with a dark kind eye, good topline with great tail action.
3rd Bumblecorn Ash of Tattay
Puppy Dog/Bitch
1st Silvamoon Storm Trooper for Phensett 11mths B.B.T dog, Masculine of heads, leading into a strong neck and well developed shoulders, he has a strong topline with plenty of bone and substance. He has plenty of heart room with strong quarters to power his big frame. He could have done with a much bigger ring as he is a big mover.
2nd Kenaiteen Feta Balvenie 9 months O.B bitch. This young bitch has a kind eye and a gentle expression. Good length of neck into good shoulders with a lovely straight front a short compact body with good rear angulation, just not as confident or mature as 1 today.
3rd Ravensett Giovanni
Junior Dog
1st Glenmaurangi Starman 17 months B.B.T dog, a dog I have admired before and he oozes ring presence. Was pleased to award him his last JW point today, just needs to mature now. A lovely kind masculine head with a gentle eye. Lovely front assembly into deep chest with strong hindquarters. A bit rangy at this age, but in time I think he will trouble the best of them. In good coat for his age, another that needs a bigger ring to see his movement but he coped well today.
2nd Dalreavoch Northern Caper 15 months B.B dog, good head on this youngster, lean muscular neck. In good coat for his age, just tended to crab a little on the move today.
Yearling Dog
1st Latin Lover Rewind for Larrenie 20 months B.B dog. This young dog moves with such enthusiasm it was a joy to watch as he moved effortlessly around the ring, his handler did well to hold on. Lean head with dark eyes, plenty of heart room, strong hind-quarters with an ever-lashing tail lots of substance and muscle tone to this young boy. He did not disappoint me today.
Graduate Dog
1st Hartsettt Flash Dance 2 ½ yr O.B dog. This young man ticked the boxes in this class today, such a melting kind expression which I fell for, not over done in any way. Strong muscular neck into a good lay of shoulder, a good strong topline with a happy tail. Moved with drive and purpose. Considered him for higher honours.
2nd Latin Lover Rewind for Larrenie
Just unlucky to meet 1 in this class as I felt 1 had more maturity today.
3rd Ravensett Carnelian at Redbornstoke
Post Graduate Dog
1st Hawklawn Khamsin at Balvenie 2 ½ yr old O/B dog, also another I have judged before and he has grown into a very handsome boy. Pleased to see he is fulfilling his potential. Gentle masculine head with a kind dark eye. Elegant length of neck into a well laid shoulder, deep set ribs. Solid topline with strong hind-quarters. Would have loved to see him striding around a bigger ring, worthy of top honours and sure his day will come.
2nd Wandsfell Call the the Shots at Oaklawn nearly 3yr old O/B male. Another I have admired from the ring side, moved with plenty of drive, masculine gentle expression. Just would have preferred a bit more coat to the fill the picture.
3rd Upperwood Michaelmas Man.
Limit Dog
1st Canteris Cool for Catz 3 ½ yr old B.B Dog. This young dog is certainly coming to his best now. Kind gentle expression on a masculine head, not overdone in any way. Strong arched neck into a well laid shoulder strong in his body with plenty of substance, strong level topline with lovely lashing tail. Moved with purpose and drive, lots of ring expression. R.B.D
2nd Stardene Montgomery of Redbornstoke 5yr old B.B.T dog. This dog is built on working lines and what a handsome man he is. The gentlest of souls, just waiting for a sneaky cuddle from a judge. Alert expression with the gentlest of eyes, solidly built with plenty of heart room, really enjoying his day out and I certainly enjoyed judging him thank you.
Open Dog
1st Mariglen Fetlar Caspellwynd 5 yr old B.B dog. This dog certainly needs no introduction. Oozes ring presence and floated around the ring, so light on his toes but moves with real purpose. I judged him as a young dog and he has just improved as time has gone on. Most handsome expression with the kindest eyes. Arched neck into oblique shoulders, fabulous straight front with a deep set rib with plenty of heart room, well-muscled hindquarters and an ever-happy tail. So pleased to have gone over him now as an established male. Easily B.D and B.I.S
Junior Bitch
1st Ultra Violet B.B.T 14 months bitch, Sweet young lady with a lean head and dark eye. Carrying a bit more weight than necessary which did not help her movement today.
Special Yearling
1st Wansleydale Cointreau for Shadymoore O/B bitch, I have admired this young lady many times at the ring side and she was certainly worth waiting for. Sweetest of heads, with a kind dark eye. Lengthy arched neck into a well laid shoulder, deep well sprung rib with a good rear engine to power her around the ring. Moved true and elegantly, loved her.
2nd Wansleydale Frangelico for Mirkwood B.B.T bitch. Did not realize that 1 & 2 are sisters, No. 2 looks more mature than 1. Although carrying a bit more weight than needed so spoilt her movement today.
Graduate Bitch
1st Wansleydale Frangelico for Mirkwood
Limit Bitch
1st Alolfrana Kansas Kate at Moorbrook B.B.T bitch, looking at my notes it starts with a lashing tail, what a happy young lady this bitch is. Prettiest expression with a hint of naughtiness in her eyes. She is starting to come to her best now with masses of good quality coat to complete the picture, moved effortlessly around the ring today using her well angulated hindquarters and that ever-lashing tail. B.B & R.B.I.S.
Judge Mel Sharples
2nd Open Show May 2019 - Judge Rebecca Martin
Northern English Setter Society Open Show – Saturday 4th May 2019
I would like to say thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at the Breed club show.
Veteran Dog or Bitch 2 (1)
1st – Stead’s – Canonsett Crazy Love – 8 year old Blue Belton and Tan dog with a pleasant head and
expression. Good topline moved well. Best Veteran.
Minor Puppy Dog/Bitch (5)(1)
1st – Harris’s – Gemsett Ice Cold In Alex – At just 7 months has a lot going for her, lovely head and
expression, well off for bone, shown in lovely condition. Happy mover. Just needs time.
2nd – Williamson’s – Hawklawn Snazzy Jazzy – Blue Belton & Tan bitch sound construction, lovely
head and eye, good outline another one who just needs time.
3rd – Taylor’s – Bumblecorn Ash of Tattay
Puppy Dog/Bitch (4)
1st – Schoneville & Derry’s – Kenaiteen Feta Balvenie – I thought this bitch was absolutely lovely, so
sound all through. Beautifully constructed with a super outline, correct in shoulder and return of
upper arm, excellent bone, level topline, good tail and set. Moved with animation using her tail. Was
under no illusion she would be my Best Puppy In Show. Loved everything about her RBB.
2nd – Wilson’s – Ravensett Giovanni – Orange dog with a nice head and expression, good topline,
moved out well, good muscletone.
3rd – Bryant’s – Silvamoon Storm Trooper for Phenset
Junior Dog (5)(2)
1st – Phillip’s, Bryant & Watkins – Glenmaurangi Starman – Young blue belton & tan with a correct
outline, long neck into correct lay of shoulder with good return of upper arm, level topline and
excellent tail set. Well balanced. Just needs time to mature. RBD.
2nd – Snook’s – Dalreavoch Northern Caper – Blue dog with a lovely head good length of neck but
spoilt with over trimming. Level topline and good tail and set.
3rd – Wilson’s – Ravensett Giovanni
Yearling Dog (3)(1)
1st – Lawson’s – Wansleydale Dorian Gray – Another lovely blue belton and tan with excellent head
and expression, good outline with super neck and shoulders which flow into his topline, good tail
set, balanced all through. Moved well.
2nd – Normansell’s – Latin Lover Rewind for Larrenie – Blue belton with a good topline, well put
together and balanced.
Graduate Dog (4)
1st – Lawson’s – Wansleydale Dorian Gray
2nd – Arkley’s – Hartsett Flash Dance – Slightly heavier in head than my winner but overall a nice
orange dog. Balanced all through. Good in shoulder and topline.
3rd – Normansell’s – Latin Lover Rewind for Larrenie
Post Graduate (3)
1st – Schoneville & Derry’s – Hawklawn Khamsin at Balvenie – Super young orange dog who has all the
requirements to go all the way. Balanced in head with kind expression, excellent neck and shoulders
with correct return of upper arm. Clean in outline with correct tail and set. Good angulation to rear
quarters and excellent tail set. Moved well in the limited space. Had no hesitation in giving him Best
Dog and then later BIS.
2nd – Lawton’s – Wandsfell Call the Shots for Oaklawn – Another orange dog who was just unlucky to
meet the winner. Lots to like about him, balanced all through just needs coat to complete the
3rd – Stead’s – Upper Michaelmas Man
Limit (2)(1)
1st – Jones’s – Stardente Montgomery at Redbornstoke – Tri dog of working stock, well muscled. Nice
dark eye.
Open (2)(1)
1st – Thomson’s – Sh Ch Mariglen Fetlar Caspellwynd – Well off for bone and condition. Kind head and
expression, level topline, shown in full coat, moved okay.
Junior Bitch (1)
1st – Bott, Allen & Morgan’s – Sorbus About Last Night with Quensha – Loved everything about this
orange bitch but not happy on the day on the stack. Super outline with everything in the right place.
Balanced all through. Just needs time.
2nd – Stead’s – Ultra Violet – Blue belton and tan, slightly longer cast than winner and not as
balanced. Dark eye, pretty head. Moved okay.
Yearling Bitch (3)(2)
1st – Golby’s – Wansleydale Cointreau for Shadymoore – Orange bitch with a good neck and well laid
shoulders excellent bone and condition, level topline.
Graduate Bitch (2)(2)
Post Graduate Bitch (0)
Limit Bitch (5)(1)
1st – Howarth’s – Alolfrana Kansas Kate At Moorbrook JW – Lots to like about this blue belton and
tan, balanced outline, with excellent topline, correct bone, everything flowed through, excellent tail
set, moved well . Best Bitch and RBIS.
2nd – Dennis’s – Mariglen Sweet Pea – Orange bitch slightly longer in body than winner sweet head
and expression, good bone, not the topline of the winner.
3rd – Jarvis’s – Hawklawn Summer Breeze
Open (0)
Judge- Rebecca Martin
Championship Show Feb 2019 Judge - Ruth Roberts Memorial Classes
Memorial Classes for NESS Championship Show 20/7/2019
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge at this show and for their excellent hospitality.
David Ingham Memorial Special Yearling Award (12,6abs)
1st Snook – Dalreavoch Northern Caper
Well presented in good condition, a promising boy who is in a typical stage of development for his age. Square in outline, good head and eye, long arched neck, sufficient bone, decent topline, deep chest, good bend of stifle, nicely muscled and covered the ground confidently on the move.
2nd Bailey – Ravensett Seville at Gwithian
Another boy in a similar stage of development to 1st . Well constructed with decent bone, deep chest and plenty of rib. Masculine head with soft expression and long arched neck, good topline but just a little longer cast than I would prefer. Presented in good coat and moved well.
3rd Bryant & Hollis – Silvamoon Storm Trooper For Phensett
The Special Open Memorial Award (13,2abs)
1st Taylor – Wansleydale Margarita
What a girl, she has everything going for her. Nice size o/b with lovely square outline, feminine head of good proportions, kind dark eye with soft expression, long arched neck. Well constructed throughout with good bone and deep chest with plenty of rib, level topline and correct tail set. Her movement is relaxed, free and easy yet ground covering at the same time, she held her topline on the move with good head carriage also and a lashing tail that never stops. Presented in good coat. I could not deny her today and so pleased to see her later go BIS, well done.
2nd Howarth – Alolfrana Kansas Kate at Moorbrook
Another nice square girl, a little smaller type than 1st but has an attractive head with expressive eye. Well put together, level topline, short body, well developed ribcage, deep chest and good angulation. Movement once she settled was also free and easy with that excellent tail action that never stops even when standing. In good coat .Would personally prefer just a bit more of her.
3rd Oliver – Bramstorm Oberon